Welcome to The Archives


Hello! Before you enter, I just wanted to offer up some general warnings about the site!

Many of the pages on this site have animated elements, which includes: buttons, stamps, blinkees and other graphics. The 'Web Goodies' page has the most of these elements, but they're hidden by clickable summary elements. Please be cautious when viewing!

I host reviews of various things, namely films, music and books. Some of these are made for 18+ audiences, and thus some of these topics may come up in a review. If you wish to consume anything that I've reviewed, please use your own discretion.

I swear! A lot! That might be an exaggeration but you'll see a good number of them out and about.

Not necessarily a warning: I've only tested this on Firefox with a screen resolution of 1366 x 768. You might need to zoom in or out depending on your screen size!
