Welcome to the Dance Hall!

This is the landing page for all things musical! I don't make music myself (I'm probably tone-deaf, and it seems way too complicated for my brain to try and understand right now) but I do listen to a lot of it!

I don't think I can properly categorise my music taste. Like sure, there are some genres I gravitate towards more than others, but even then that's not a constant guarantee. There's one thing I can say and that is that I can stomach just about anything, including some of the most ear bleeding noise to exist. Does that mean I actively enjoy every single song? Christ no! It just means I'm very open to all sorts of sounds

A small pastime of mine is seeking out new music. I would say I'm a snob and only like listening to really, really obscure artists, but that's really not true; my favourite artist is The Smiths, they're not exactly underground
Either way, I like to document these new finds somewhere, and that somewhere will now be this website (it's mostly because if they are obscure I'm going to have a hell of a time trying to track them down again if there isn't any record on my end)!

Take your time and peruse the various pages to your right; hopefully you'll find something new!