Welcome to the Dance Hall!

The landing page for all things musical!
I don't make music myself (I'm likely tone-deaf) but I enjoy listening to a lot of it.

I don't think I can properly categorise my music taste. Like sure, there are some genres I gravitate towards more than others, but even then that's not a constant guarantee. There's one thing I can say and that is that I can stomach just about anything; this statement covers some of the most ear bleeding noise to exist. Does that mean I actively enjoy every single song? Absolutely not. It just means I'm open to listen to all sorts of sounds.

A small pastime of mine is seeking out new music. I would say I'm a snob and only like listening to really, really obscure artists, but that's really not true; my favourite artist is The Smiths. They're not exactly underground.

This part of the site is just going to be for documenting my favourite songs! It might gain more purposes as the site evolves :P


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