This is basically the blog section that every website seems to have in some way, but I'm not going to get that personal over here. It's more my opinions on things than anything else, and they will be written in my more 'pretentious' voice (but it really isn't even that)
Since this is dubbed Musings AND Meanderings, I do have to make a distinction between the two:
A musing is a thought that is less time intensive to write up and contains little if any research. These can be about anything and everything as long as I have some sort of opinion on it; this means the length can vary wildly. Think of it as the (somewhat) immediate brain dump!
A meandering is longer-form and (sometimes) research intensive. This is where you'll find my actual, proper essays alongside discussions and opinion pieces. These will be more infrequent!
The thing I will say is that everything you'll find here is stuff that I find interesting or want to talk about! I hope that you'll find it interesting too, but I can't exactly guarantee that.