I Have a Very Limited Understanding of 'Star Wars' and It’s Really Funny

Having conversations about Star Wars is incredibly fun when you have no idea who anyone is or what’s going on

I just caught a bit of the 6th film (which is technically also the 3rd but I’m not getting into that one) and spent the entire time laughing because I had no idea what was going on because all the things I thought happened here happened in other films
Here’s how that hour(-ish) viewing session went:

I heard Luke say ‘Obi Wan’ and immediately yelled ‘Ewan McGregor!’ even though the man was like. 12 when this film came out, so duh it wasn’t going to be him
I managed to get Han and Luke mixed up. I think this is very impressive considering they have very different haircuts. Also I thought Han was stuck in concrete forever
Cackled when Yoda died. Like, RIP to the guy but I wasn’t expecting him to just disappear when he died. Thought he would’ve at least stuck around until rigamortis set in
I didn’t know who this random woman was. It was. It was Leia…
Love C3PO and R2D2 and Chewbacca but where did they come from? I’m assuming there’s a planet of Wookies (I think that’s what Chewbacca is?), but what about the robo duo?
Apparently Palpatine blows up and then comes back somehow?
The visual imagery of ‘Teddy bears (Ewoks) taking down the Empire with sticks’ (direct quote from someone irl) is so good I had to stop watching before I got to that point
I thought this was the film where Vader went ‘I am your father’ to Luke, but apparently that had already happened!

I am going to be honest here, my complete lack of knowledge about Star Wars is entirely on me; I couldn’t give less of a shit about the franchise as a whole, and honestly it’s way more enjoyable of a viewing experience not knowing anything

Like, I get way more enjoyment out of people explaining Star Wars to me than I do when I’m actually watching Star Wars, so if you’d like to give it a go, feel free :D!

To My Heart