I Made My Own Skin in Minecraft

I've not played Minecraft in a couple months. I don't know what it is, but I regularly go through that 2 week phase of playing so much Minecraft then not touching it for a year. To try and reivigorate some of my Minecraft love, I decided that I would make my own skin for basically the first time ever!

It was so much fun, and I wasn't really expecting it to be.
I don't really advertise it anywhere, but for those who're unaware, this site does have a mascot; his name is Form! I decided to make a skin version of Form, although his design was kinda tricky to convert over (or at least at the start).
It's fairly complex in the sense that there's a lot of details all over the place, and since Minecraft is fairly limited with the number of pixels you can use, I had to pick out the most eye-catching and important parts of his design.
Overall, I think it looks quite like him!

I used exactly one tutorial, and that was to help me shade the hair. For the clothes I just used my intuition and did something that I thought looked fairly alright. Once everything was done it all worked together quite nicely.

Click here to see the skin

If you've never tried making a skin, I'd highly recommend it! It's a nice task to do while you have some show or video or whatever in the background, and once you get into the swing of it it's rather relaxing.
God I want to make more...