Version 3 & Future HTML Projects

Been a while since I wrote anything here, but that's because I've been busy coding Version 3 of my site; as of writing this (15.02.25), that version is now live and available to be looked at! I was fairly disatisfied with the previous version. Yeah, it looked a lot cleaner, but it was also so boring. I was trying to emulate other people's clean sites, but I concluded I just like having colours everywhere!
Now this feels more like me. It's also a bit of a callback to an older version of my site, just this time everything's a bit clearer and more consise.

While I was busy coding away, I also come to the conclusion that at least for the time being, me and art are going to be taking an indefinte break; I don't really know what it is, but I just don't find much enjoyment from drawing anymore, and that sucks! The art page will still be kept up, but don't I anticipate it getting updated super frequently.

Since I love creating websites, I've decided to expand my horizons. I've got plans to make a number of other websites as if they were run by some of my ocs; they're all going to be in character and in universe (although their universe is basically the same as ours), and I reckon it's gonna be a load of fun for me!
This is to help stretch my creative muscles, pin down characteristics of my main ocs, as well as developing the bigger story in a way that's not restricted by me drawing them. I'll be writing small snippits and scenes and conversations alongside creating and maintaining these sites, and I hope that once I've actually started on them that it'll all make more sense and be a really neat way of displaying their story.
If I end up not updating this site again for a while, you can be that's why :]